MODERN applied psychology TRAINING

While centuries of psychological wisdom remain trapped behind academic tradition and high-price barriers, the human race cannot benefit from it.

Psychology has been viewed as a science and academic discipline apart from philosophy since the early 19th century. But psychology cannot be a science because all human beings are different, each with unique motivations that drive their attitudes and behaviours.

The 21st century see’s the dawn of Modern Applied Psychology. A distinct field of enquiry for mature learners who want to become wiser, more responsible, more effective and influential men and women who are equipped to become role models in their nations.

A psychology that isn’t applicable is useless. Modern Applied Psychology blends different psychological perspectives into one learning system that equips its learners with self-knowledge, theoretical understanding, wisdom and the communication skills required to positively influence people’s minds and motivations.

“While centuries of psychological wisdom remain trapped behind academic tradition and high-price barriers, the human race cannot benefit from it. Human psychology isn’t a science to be studied by academics, it’s essential life knowledge that all human beings need to learn.”

Modern Applied Psychology eLearning System

The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology was founded in 2016 and is now the leading provider of on-demand training and skill development in modern applied psychology. To date, 650,000+ people have enrolled in this cutting-edge elearning system.

Psychology that doesn’t lead to self-knowledge or personal growth is irrelevant. Each modern applied psychology discipline offers you a unique perspective for furthering your self-knowledge and developing the people skills you need to influence people towards making wise decisions that will positively transform their lives by growing in character and making positive lifestyle improvements.

While it’s impossible to change people, you can learn to influence people to make wise decisions that will help them transform their lives for the better. This training curriculum will allow you to learn the psychology that influences how people think, interpret experiences, define themselves, communicate, make decisions, set goals, choose career paths and set their life priorities.

Upon joining our global learning community, you benefit from experiencing a broad spectrum of diverse and cultural perspectives. This will allow you to develop the intercultural competencies necessary for becoming a wise global citizen who can understand human psychology from multiple perspectives and with a deeper appreciation of (and tolerance) for all expressions of diversity.

Students of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) study the quality and accuracy of the communications they have with themselves (thinking patterns) and others (social skills). Studying NLP will involve you learning to understand the language of your mind and emotions so that you can clarify the specific role that you play in influencing all of your life outcomes, results, and consequences.

NLP was first founded back in the 1970s by its two founders who studied the communication styles and general attitudes of excellent communicators, business people and therapists who achieved great results with their clients. NLP comprises a broad range of wise life principles, innovative theories, mindset training, and a proven methodology for achieving positive goals and obtaining meaningful outcomes.

As you study your neurology, thinking styles and motivations, you will become better equipped to recognise what drives your actions and behaviours. This includes how you interpret your life events, how your attitude affects your mood, and the role beliefs play in your confidence and ability to successfully tackle life’s challenges and transitions. You’ll also study the link between self-awareness and your people skills.

‘Linguistics’ refers to the language patterns that you use and, more specifically, how accurately you communicate with both yourself and other people. Perceiving your mind as a pre-programmed ‘internal operating system’ will help you to identify how your life experiences, successes, failures, hurts and relationships will have influenced the thoughts and emotions that motivate your everyday choices and behaviour habits.

Cognitive behavioural psychology merges time-proven cognitive theories and a sensible behavioural methodology to provide a framework that enables people to identify and modify the unhealthy thinking habits that result in poor mental health states and emotional instability. CBP embodies a range of wise life philosophies and personal growth disciplines, which assume that people become more empowered in life as they continue to increase the level of responsibility that they take for themselves.

Students of cognitive behavioural psychology study the cognitive theories and goal-setting methodologies that were first proposed by Albert Ellis, founder of REBT (rational emotive behavioural therapy), and Aaron Beck, founder of CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy). While many people view CBP and CBT as being a therapeutic solution for emotional distress, this pragmatic framework for helping people understand themselves enables profound personal growth and character development.

The ability to learn involves the human capacity to entertain new information and use new perspectives to enlarge knowledge, understanding and comprehension. Cognition involves how thoughts and mental processes influence human behaviour. Your attention to the world around you, past memories, understanding of language, judgments about how the world works, and ability to solve complex problems all contribute to how you behave and interact with your surrounding environment.

Every part of human life is affected by a range of cognitive processes, from school to work to business organisations and social connections. Those who study the human mind and cognition seek to make sense of the relationship between mental processes such as thinking, perceiving, assuming, feeling, learning, and believing. Cognitive psychologists collaborate with people to assist them in thinking more rationally, reflecting more critically, and perceiving with a greater depth of accuracy.

Coaching is a life-changing experience for many people, transforming how people relate to themselves, define their identity, and how they exercise self-control, leadership effectiveness and business outputs. Coaching is used to help people fulfil their potential and maximise productivity. As a coach, you will facilitate positive changes in people’s lives – by applying a methodology that enables people to set clearly-defined goals and take the appropriate action steps to achieve them.

Coaching is a focused, goal-oriented relationship that will often seem provocative as it challenges people to make wise life decisions that align with their innermost priorities and commit to pursuing worthwhile life or career goals. A competent coach is like having a strategic mentor, dependable friend, and wise counsellor who will hold people accountable for their actions and also offer appropriate encouragement as they continue to progress on their path of personal growth and development.

Coaching is an unregulated form of skilled helping and is one of today’s fastest-growing industries. Unfortunately, not all coach training programs prioritise cultivating coaching competency – many foci only on how to build a profitable coaching business. Competency-based life coaching will always guide people into an elevated state of clarity, responsibility, self-awareness and decisiveness. Therefore, before you attempt to coach other people, you must first become a master over your own life.

Excellent people skills and a goal-oriented methodology exist at the epicentre of all effective coaching. While life coaches may perform many roles, they are not therapists, ‘healers’ or psychiatrists. Good coaches ask provocative questions that help people assess mental discipline, clarify their objectives, and take appropriate action to overcome the obstacles they face on route. To become a life coach is to enter into one of the most fulfilling vocations that any person could commit their life to.

The alternative applied psychology disciplines exist to influence people towards making wiser life decisions, maturing in their personal growth, and becoming more consistently balanced in their behaviours. Personal growth is the ongoing process of a person becoming more developed in their thinking, learning, and decision-making capability. It also involves growing in knowledge, developing new skills and solving problems, which prepare people to think critically and interpret their life experiences more objectively.

The main purpose of counselling skills, hypnotherapy and the alternative applied psychology disciplines is to positively influence people’s thinking by confronting the unhealthy prejudices and harmful perspectives that keep many enslaved to poor mental health for decades. The main goal is to persuade people to analyse the maturity of their attitudes, thinking, and behaviours in order to identify areas for improvement – then encourage them to consider what value might be gained from making some positive behavioural changes.

The school of alternative applied psychology disciplines presents two highly practical forms of professional helping. The counselling process involves developing empowering relationships that enable people to achieve personal growth, mental wellbeing, relationship goals and career progression. Hypnosis is a conversational process that can be used to help people exit a negative perspective and enter a more objective or empowering state of consciousness. Hypnosis involves leading people out of negative emotional states and into a higher degree of level-headed awareness, which allows people to detach from their external experiences and become more rationally minded.

Mindfulness is a contemplative way of thinking that enables people to objectively think about their life experiences and accept them as they are, rather than through the lens of prejudice, judgement or offence. Mindfulness isn’t self-awareness but rather is the state of being aware of one’s self-awareness. Those who become disciplined in exercising mindful self-reflection tend to become more efficient in their ability to manage themselves and also more influential when interacting with other people.

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where you are and what you’re doing, and not emotionally reactive towards or overwhelmed by your immediate circumstances. Mindfulness practice cultivates mature behaviour traits and will never require anyone to change what they believe in. Mindfulness is a way of living life, everyone can benefit from it, and it’s easy to learn. Mindfulness is more than just a ‘practice’ as it brings awareness and wisdom into everything you do – while also reducing stress.

It is possible to be self-aware and yet completely dissatisfied with life. While self-awareness has many positive advantages, it isn’t enough to sustain a lifetime of personal growth and ongoing progression. Mindfulness is what develops your ability to maintain an unbiased perspective on who you are and what your priorities are. You will have no stable foundation for furthering your own personal growth, professional effectiveness or sustaining consistent mental wellbeing until you are aware of these things.

The ability to make sensible decisions while under pressure is an essential life skill that is becoming extremely rare among many people today. Many people get stuck on autopilot, overcome by their thoughts and emotions, and are oblivious to the actions that may improve their quality of life. These courses will present Mindfulness as a life skill that matures over time while provoking you to apply what you learn in real-world settings and find socially relevant ways to share your newfound insights with others.

Mental wellness is an internal resource that enables people to grow in maturity, consistency, decisiveness and inner resilience. It is a state of well-being in which people learn from their experiences, will boldly tackle the challenges of daily life, sustain healthy relationships, pursue meaningful goals and become contributors to communities they belong to. Mental health and wellness is a regenerative ongoing process that requires hard work, dedication and decisive action on the part of each individual who wants it.

Sustaining a healthy mental state demands a lifelong commitment to proactively developing your mental, emotional, social, and psychological capabilities. Today, more than ever before, people need help to achieve positive mental health. The idea of mental wellness is often linked to the idea of psychological health, which entails accepting one’s imperfections, actively pursuing personal growth, leading life in a purpose-oriented way, maturing in character, and fostering strong, connected relationships.

On a continuum, mental health and unwellness are considered to be two separate entities. According to this idea, mental problems lie at one end of the spectrum, whereas happiness resides at the other end. In between are varying degrees of inner resilience and responsibility. This narrow viewpoint fails to acknowledge the unwise lifestyle decisions that many people make and the destructive behaviour patterns that lead people into undesirable circumstances that result in poor mental health or emotional distress.

The human mind is adaptable and trainable. This phenomenon is referred to as neuro-plasticity – which is your mind’s ability to alter, adapt and adjust throughout life in response to your experiences. Most people are unaware that they have complete control over their minds and ideas, as well as their emotions. People who are unhappy with their mental state can improve their situation simply by recognizing the causes of their difficulties and accepting responsibility for improving themselves appropriately.

If you want to master the principles of modern applied psychology and its associated disciplines, who better to learn from (and with) than your peers? You’ll have the opportunity to both practice and discuss everything you learn with other like-minded learners (your fellow Achologists) from all around the world.

In our cutting-edge elearning platform, you can interact with other learners and members of the community on-demand and in real-time. With our distinctive social functionality, you can interact face-to-face with any other member who is signed in to achology at the same time as you using zoom technology.

If you want to develop master competencies, community membership presents the ideal solution. Unlimited skill development sessions with learners from all over the world give you the freedom to build advanced applied psychology-based skills in whatever time period you set. Achology takes online learning up a level. Academy members can practice everything they learn with one another within a confidential environment while earning optional continuing professional development credits (CPD).

relevant psychology FOR the 21st century

Since 2012, Kain has designed an interconnected 17-course elearning system that makes up the academy of modern applied psychology curriculum. All of Kain’s teachings are based upon wise philosophical ideas, time-proven methodologies & practical psychological principles.

Modern Applied Psychology blends different psychological perspectives into one framework of ideas that equips its learners with self-knowledge, wisdom and the communication skills needed to positively influence others.
