Leadership and Innovation

Key Principles & Signature Teachings

How you lead yourself will impact how productive you are. Many leaders work hard, but if productivity doesn’t lead to progress, then what is the point? In this video, Kain explores the characteristics of progressive leadership.

Leadership is defined by the results you produce. Different types of leadership create different outcomes – this video will provoke you to think about the leadership style that will help you meet your strategic aims most efficiently.

Money does not always motivate people, but the rewards money can buy. Kain discusses the importance of having a financial vision and a plan for budgeting your financial goals and driving your financial effectiveness.

The Global Leadership Crisis

Today sees a worldwide leadership crisis, despite the $46BN spent annually on leadership development. Leading people involves bridging the gap between the people they work with and a larger, higher-level purpose.

Wise leadership is needed today more than ever, but the constant drive for increased performance makes this a tough proposition for many. A leader must be strong, responsible, decisive and sincere in order to win the hearts and minds of his followers – and consistent so as to maintain their trust.

Cultivating Wise Leadership

Influential leaders lead themselves before all things. Self-leadership is about understanding your mind, prioritising your values, and maintaining a standard of integrity when circumstances get tough or feel uncertain.

Leadership can emerge from any level of an organization, not just from those who hold titles or ranks. True leaders don’t wait until they have a position of authority to lead but accept every opportunity they have to lead or influence people. The hardest person you’ll ever get to lead is yourself.

Your priorities reflect the health of your mindset, and your mindset will impact your leadership. In this video, Kain discusses a mindset you can adopt to begin prospering mentally, emotionally and financially.

All businesses should have a plan. The plan should explain your strategy and key goals to get from where you are now to where you want to be in the future. Here, Kain will help you to understand business planning.

Leverage will allow you to scale up your impact and influence. Using leverage will let you progress beyond your current capacity without becoming overworked. Here, Kain discusses scaling up your productivity.

Leadership & Innovation eLearning Courses

The following leadership and innovation elearning courses redefine what it means to be a contemporary leader and provide a practical, sensible, and hard-hitting solution to leadership that addresses critical aspects of how the mind works, self-awareness, and focus.

Discover how mindfulness can equip you with the abilities you need to be an effective, assertive, and highly-influential leader.

Mindfulness is derived from the Sanskrit word sati: the practice of attending to the present moment. As a leader, when you are self-aware and able to hold space for new ideas, thoughts or people’s feelings in a non-judgmental, objective and empathic way, your leadership influence will magnify. Influential leaders are defined by their ability to help other people succeed. This training offers a powerful roadmap for contemporary leadership development.

Leading people is about bridging the gap between the team they work with and the goals of the organization they are part of. At this time in history, wise, compassionate and selfless leadership is needed more than ever, but the relentless drive for increased growth and performance makes this a tough proposition for many. Trustworthy leaders must be strong, reflective, wise, consistent and sincere. Mindfulness training lays a foundation for these core qualities.

Influential leadership is that which inspires people to become confident in themselves. By splicing mindfulness with world-class leadership principles, this Mindfulness for Highly Effective Management and Leadership program is an essential tool for all self-aware managers and leaders. The course simplifies mindfulness concepts and provides a pragmatic framework for leaders to cultivate profound levels of self-awareness, general wellbeing, and effectiveness.

Being mindful will equip you to become more resilient and better able to balance work and life outside of work. This means you are able to reflect objectively and maintain a strategic overview while also improving your ability to listen and communicate accurately. Mindfulness offers useful tools for self-awareness, mental health, stress control, and more. Practised within a leadership framework, this course delivers more than typical leadership training.

There is currently a leadership crisis in the world, despite the fact that over $46 billion dollars are spent annually on leadership development. Throughout this training course, you will learn how mindful and self-aware leadership turns conventional leadership thinking upside down. This course redefines what it means to be a contemporary leader and provides a practical, hard-hitting solution to any organization’s staff engagement or project execution challenges.

/ “The course is relevant and useful to all, not just for those in leadership roles. It is a fascinating learning experience that addresses critical aspects of how the mind works, self-awareness, and focus. This was my first Achology training, and it won’t be my last.” – PRADEEP KAMAL SINGH.

This training course is part of a larger personal growth and development elearning system designed by Kain Ramsay Ltd and published on Achology.com. You can try this elearning course risk-free for 30 days, and if you’re not satisfied with the eLearning experience, you can get a full refund – no questions asked.

A practical guide to strengthening the relationship that you have with yourself in order to connect more meaningfully with other people.

Modern school and education systems provide learners today with ample opportunity to learn new trades, discuss gender, debate old writings, earn qualifications and voice an opinion about most things. Unfortunately, few training institutions prioritise guiding their learners in two of the most important life skills that anyone could master in life – developing social skills and emotional intelligence.

This course exists to guide you in developing deep self-awareness, which is the starting point for all emotional intelligence and social effectiveness. Without self-awareness, you cannot become emotionally intelligent, and without emotional intelligence, you cannot become socially intelligent or relationally influential. In short, it is only emotional IQ that can equip you for increased social effectiveness.

If you’re ready to take your social skills to the next level, this applied psychology-based training will teach you how to be more intuitive, emotionally aware, and socially savvy. You’ll learn how to build trust and connection with others and feel naturally more empowered in your interpersonal exchanges. This course is ideal for those who want to upgrade their social skills and build healthy relationships.

In this course, you will learn to master your mind, take ownership of your emotions and strengthen the personal and professional relationships you have with others. You’ll learn to interact in your relationships objectively and without falsehood. Resultantly, you’ll become equipped to conduct yourself maturely, sensibly, and without ever needing to compromise your authenticity with people again.

Master your Emotions and Revolutionise your Social Skills will teach you how to become more intuitive, emotionally aware, and socially savvy. You’ll learn how to initiate mature conversations with people and remove any mental barriers that have previously prevented you from doing so. As a result, you will acquire newfound social confidence without losing yourself in the process.

/ “This course is extremely eye-opening, and it has a lot of information to absorb. He speaks very precisely, which makes the main lessons simple to grasp and apply. It’s an excellent investment! – Ed B. Maxwell.

This training course is part of a larger personal growth and development elearning system designed by Kain Ramsay Ltd and published on Achology.com. You can try this elearning course risk-free for 30 days, and if you’re not satisfied with the eLearning experience, you can get a full refund – no questions asked.

A methodical process for defining your priorities, setting purpose-oriented goals, making wise decisions and optimising your life.

Contrary to popular opinion, a life purpose isn’t something innate that human beings are born with; it is something that all people must choose. Living a purpose-oriented life will involve you deciding upon what you are naturally good at doing, what you can profit from, what you are passionate about, and how you can use this understanding to generate a positive difference in the world in some way.

Most people will eventually ask the hard questions; ‘Why am I here?’ ‘What is my purpose?’ ‘What activities will make my life make sense?’ Without having answers to these questions, it can be difficult for some people to make sense of their lives. The key components of living a purpose-oriented life are having clarity of what your priorities are and choosing an appropriate life path that aligns with them.

Many people roam through life without a clear sense of purpose. Counter-intuitively, the purpose of life is not ‘to be happy’, but rather, it is to become valuable to people, to become wise, responsible, decisive, consistent and compassionate with people’s imperfections. Your life will only start making sense as you decide upon the unique way in which you’re willing to change the world for the better.

This unparalleled learning journey will change the way you perceive and answer the ultimate question in life: What am I here for? You’ll discover how to streamline your existence, boost your motivation, and decide on a future direction that is right for you. One aim of this course is to put you in the mindset for progression and show you how to optimize your life so you can start achieving your full potential.

This masterclass will show you how to define a personal vision and also create an actionable plan to achieve your goals and objectives. You’ll learn to focus on your priorities, maintain discipline, make wise decisions, and stay motivated as you achieve your outcomes. Whether you’re considering a career shift or a complete life overhaul, this course will help you to gain the clarity you need to succeed.

/ “Thought-provoking, entertaining, challenging, and potentially life-changing. The ideas in this course should be taught in the schools. Essential wisdom for life!” – SOFIA O’HANLON.

This training course is part of a larger personal growth and development elearning system designed by Kain Ramsay Ltd and published on Achology.com. You can try this elearning course risk-free for 30 days, and if you’re not satisfied with the eLearning experience, you can get a full refund – no questions asked.

A complete guide to developing sustainable mental toughness, robust self-discipline, and inner resilience that lasts.

What does it take to be a disciplined athlete, a skilled leader, or a caring parent? Why do some people achieve massive feats while others leave the starting blocks? In this thought-provoking training, you’ll learn how to become the master of your mind, free will and emotions. Developing mental toughness will prepare you to overcome all of the challenges that walk hand-in-hand with living in today’s fast-paced world.

Mental toughness involves finding useful strategies for managing disappointment, delays or let-downs. It refers to your ability to push past failure with optimism, responsibility, and consistency. It also involves preparing yourself for whatever challenges come your way. The ability to stay mentally strong will not only give you the inner strength required to face your own mistakes or poor performance, but it will also provide you with a foundation for always rising from your failures.

Self-discipline and mental toughness are two of the most crucial personality characteristics that impact how you think about success, work, life and relationships. You will learn that the purpose of mental toughness training isn’t about acquiring new life skills; it is more about developing the inner reserve and patience for only focusing your efforts, energy and resources on those people, projects, and objectives that completely align with your priorities.

Mentally strong people are those who lead purpose-oriented lives and are, as a result, more inclined to seek solutions to their problems than being defeated by them. You can’t be mentally tough unless you are self-knowledgeable. This training will help you achieve this. You will grow more powerful as you learn more about yourself. Taking complete responsibility for maintaining the highest set of standards in your life will increase your self-empowerment.

Regardless of whether you use the ideas in this course to better understand yourself, strengthen your family, grow your organization, or help people in your community, as you take more control of your mind, the other aspects of your life will improve and become prepared for greater efficiency. This masterclass is challenging and is for mature learners who want to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and become more circumstantially resilient.

/ “This is a timely and valuable addition for anyone involved in people development – especially in these times of rapid change. Kain Ramsay does an excellent job of presenting age-old ideas in an insightful, extremely useful and relevant way.” – GARETH F. SUTHERLAND.

This training course is part of a larger personal growth and development elearning system designed by Kain Ramsay Ltd and published on Achology.com. You can try this elearning course risk-free for 30 days, and if you’re not satisfied with the eLearning experience, you can get a full refund – no questions asked.

The training courses showcased in the above accordion are part of a larger personal development curriculum designed by Kain Ramsay Ltd and published with Life Skills by Achology (part of Achology.com). All of these on-demand elearning courses come with a full 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can ask for a full refund if you are not completely satisfied with your online elearning experience.

Leadership and Innovation Courses and Resources for leaders who want to scale-up the magnitude and impact of their influence and credibility.