Direct Mentoring with Kain

“When looking for a new mentor, assess if the past achievements of your new mentor are suitable to have in your life today.”

Leverage is a term often used to describe extracting wisdom, knowledge or strategy from a more experienced individual to accelerate your own growth, career progression or life goals.

Kain chooses five people each year to receive personalised mentoring from him. Mentoring with Kain is a focused relationship that is always outcome-focused. Where coaching might assist you in achieving goals, mentoring will ensure you have the personal support and accountability you need to perform optimally.

Mentoring will help you evaluate your priorities across all areas of your life. He will focus on your blind spots and serve as an unbiased sounding board for you to ‘sense-check’ your plans and decisions.

You’ll get certain about who you are, what your priorities must be, what your future can hold & who you must grow to become.


It is difficult to find a good mentor today and equally as challenging just to find a sensible male role model. If you are searching for a suitable new mentor to invest in, first assess if the past achievements of your potential new mentor would be appropriate to have in your life today.

Socially responsible leaders, entrepreneurs and purpose-driven individuals know how crucial it is to keep company with people who will speak the truth in every corner of their lives. Mentoring with Kain is offered to 5 people per annum who want to scale up the magnitude of their impact.

It is better to invest in high-performers who can perform higher than low-performers who are undecided about what or when to get started. Mentoring is offered to those who have peaked within a chosen field and will benefit most from a strategic approach to lifestyle management.

Finding an expensive mentor is easy. Many exist and want your money. In the same way that no captain can steer a stationary ship, wise and seasoned mentors only invest time into proactive individuals who can be identified as already steering their life in a purpose-oriented direction.

Applicants who can be identified as potential leaders of tomorrow, socially responsible leaders, innovative entrepreneurs and disruptive pioneers will be considered for 1-1 mentoring with Kain. To intentionally deter many people, the cost of 1-1 mentoring with Kain is priced high.

It’s easy to overlook your own blind spots, and 1-1 mentoring with kain will provide you with the objective accountability you need to break through the glass ceiling that stands in the way of your greatest future accomplishments and expand the depth of your personal influence.

Without access to mentors and sensible role models who can provide experience-based advice, coaching, and counsel, many people are not fully prepared for the real game of life that is being played – kind of like trying to win a game of tennis on a rugby pitch.

When individuals recognize that they must stop waiting for miracles, magicians or for luck to intervene in their lives, careers or relationships, they take complete control of determining and achieving the specific goals that they want to see accomplished. Focused mentoring provides the objective interpersonal accountability needed to ensure that this happens.

Mentoring sessions with Kain happen via Zoom technology, or they can be arranged in person (depending on your physical location). If you are selected for 1-1 mentoring, you will get to have a 45-minute call before every mentoring session. The purpose of this call is to talk through a mentoring agenda before each mentoring session to ensure that you will benefit the most.

All mentoring sessions will begin with a problem that needs to be solved or an opportunity that needs to be quantified and strategised over. After each mentoring session with Kain, you will have a solution for your initial problem or an action plan that you can begin working on immediately.

Mentoring sessions are always governed by your agenda and never by a quantified timeframe. This means that what is discussed during your time with Kain will be determined solely by you, and Kain will make time available for you before each mentoring session so that you are always certain of the outcome that you need from each conversation.

Kain has been mentoring people for over 15 years while simultaneously authoring bestselling books, building missional online communities, and creating elearning curriculums that are studied by 650,000+ people. He started mentoring ex-military veterans back in 2009 who were retiring from the military and transitioning back into civilian life. This was also his first social enterprise.

In recent years, Kain now mentors socially responsible leaders, government-funded steering groups, public sector leadership teams and transitioning high-performers. He continues advancing online education via scaling the achology peer-learning technologies. You can see a man by his fruits and by what he has done – rather than just words written of him on a website.

Investment is the giving up of time, money, or effort to reap a benefit. 1-1 Mentoring with Kain happens within a mutually agreed-upon 12-month period. Once a mentoring agreement has been made, and the financial exchange has been made, one private session happens each month.

A 45-min zoom call will happen 2-3 days before each mentoring session so that a mentoring agenda can be mutually agreed upon. All mentoring sessions work to meet this agenda and will not be limited by a set time allocation. The health of the mentoring relationship will determine its effectiveness of the mentoring relationship. Time is what strengthens relationship trust.

An upfront investment of £125,000 +VAT is to be made before the commencement of the first mentoring session. A £5,000 +VAT charge will be made for the initial 45-minute conversation, which will then be discounted from the £125,000 +VAT annual investment after the mentoring relationship commences. For your investment, you will also receive access to Kain’s private mentorship group, which has a 2-3 hour-long monthly meeting on the first Wednesday evening of each month.

Invest in Wise Mentors


Mentorship is an art that becomes refined with age and through practice. As the years roll on, I hope to acquire only a fraction of the knowledge and wisdom that my mentors demonstrated.

Cpl Samual, thank you for teaching me discipline. Sgt Ralph, thank you for stretching my limits. Peter Hope, thank you for your inclusion – and for showing me what a husband and father can be.

AR. Bernard, your wisdom still astounds me. Matthew Newman, you gave structure to my thoughts. Gerard Egan, Rest in Peace and thank you for showing me the importance of leaving a legacy.



We all make mistakes, so receiving wise input from a mentor is vital for those who wish to avoid wasting time & money on unnecessary downfalls in their career, relationships or life (in general).

Mentors are crucial in today’s changing world to help emerging generations make wise decisions, learn from past generations’ mistakes, and navigate their challenges with wisdom & candour.

There’s no way to live your best life without wise counsel. Nobody knows or can see all of their faults. A good mentor will focus on your blind spots while encouraging your greatest potential.



If a man in his older years has no wisdom or insight to invest in the next generation, he lived for a purpose that served little beyond himself. Those who benefit from a man’s wisdom are his legacy.

My wise mentors have guided me in the right direction, helping me navigate my way beyond the pitfalls I’ve ignorantly invited into my relationships, habitual thinking and professional pursuits.

The wisdom I’ve drawn from my mentors has served me well throughout life. Some of my best mentors I spent just hours or days with. My most revolutionary mentors are men I’ve never met.


“Mentors are critical to one’s success in life. There is no way to get through life without investing into wise mentorship. No one can see their own blind spots. A valuable mentor is someone who focuses on your blind spots while looking out for your greatest opportunities.”

Apply for Direct Mentoring with Kain