Mentorship Group

multi-dimensional Mentoring

All people have unique skills and insights that can be learned from. Group mentoring with Kain brings together high-calibre individuals from around the world to form key relationships and collaborate in collective learning, personal growth & development.

Before mentoring begins, all members will collectively determine the group’s goals and a purpose to accomplish. The group will then work collectively towards this goal upon recognising how it will positively serve the group as a whole and each individual participant.

Selecting the right people for group mentoring leads to the success of each program. As great diversity is found in groups, the 12-month program will capitalise on the skills and existing knowledge of each participant whilst being open to including new members if needed.

Group mentoring allows all members to benefit from exposure to multiple levels of knowledge and expertise. This powerful approach to group mentoring blends group facilitation, collaborative learning, and peer mentoring to accelerate your growth and progression.

Transfering wisdom & insight

Finding a good mentor can be a challenging task. There is no shortage of certified mentors for hire in the personal development space, and finding an experienced mentor who has already accomplished the specific life goals or outcomes you hope to achieve isn’t always easy.

Since 2010, Kain has delivered dozens of high-impact mentoring programs, launched social enterprises, 7-figure businesses and authored bestselling books. He’s produced comprehensive training curriculums and pioneered technology to enable effective online education.

All efficient and successful mentoring programs start with a detailed plan and a distinguished set of objectives. The style of group mentoring is characterised by a related goal that all participants share (for example, launching a new business enterprise or navigating a significant transition).

The flexibility and opportunities that group mentoring creates within a diverse group of socially motivated, high-performing and purpose-driven individuals are priceless. Through an online application process, Kain hand-selects all suitable participants for group mentoring.

If you’re reading this, you likely want to know more about Kain’s group mentoring program. Group mentoring has become popular in recent years, with people recognizing the value and influence it has when like-minded individuals come together for a common goal (such as starting or expanding a business).

A group mentoring approach is used to form a group of individuals with a common objective. Whether you acquire unique business insights, relationship knowledge, people skills, financial management expertise, or anything else, belonging to a group where you can learn and exchange with others in a safe environment is priceless.

Simply defined, group mentoring is a model of mentoring in which two or more people work together to help one another grow and collaborate on achieving their objectives. You’ll find that every meeting you have with someone from a different cultural background can educate you to the extent that you are ready to learn and broaden your current perspective on life.

In contrast to the traditional mentoring method, in which a mentor and a ‘mentee’ meet one-on-one, group mentoring allows numerous people to collaborate to assist each other’s objectives while also benefiting from each other’s experiences and knowledge.

Many individuals have been mentored or mentored by another person at some time in their life. Mentoring is the act of one or more people passing on their knowledge, talents, and life experiences to another to assist them in advancing further or faster in life. Who doesn’t want to connect with others who share similar goals and values?

Sometimes, it can be difficult for those receiving mentoring to know how best to use mentoring time. One of the greatest benefits of a group setting is that someone will always have a challenge or block that other group members can relate to in some way. This is when the sharing of wisdom and experience occurs, which is commonly the most valuable aspect of group mentoring.

One of the most common reasons people seek a mentor is to assist them in developing their existing skill set. While Kain’s primary role isn’t to teach you every skill you’ll need for your development and progress, he will look at your life from a high-level viewpoint – and, from here, help you to identify your skill deficits and knowledge gaps yourself.

Group mentoring simply involves the organised pairing of a more experienced individual with less experienced individuals. Participants in the mentoring process must actively engage in their own problem-solving procedures, track their own accomplishments, determine the next action steps, and achieve both short- and long-term goals. The most important element of mentoring is that it must lead to realised outcomes and deliverables being met.

Kain’s role in group mentoring is to provide guidance, advice, and support to all participants. 

Completing the application for group mentoring does not secure you a place in the 12-month program. Only high-quality applications will be entered into a pool of individuals that Kain will hand-select from. On rare occasions, if the quality of mentorship applicants is high, additional spaces may be created, but only when it is estimated to create additional value for all participants within the group. Mentorship groups run from September through to August the following year. No breaks are taken, and all group mentoring sessions take place on the first Wednesday of each calendar month for 12 consecutive months.

“The greatest testament to a wise mentor is his ability to create future wise mentors.”

Kain’s 12-month group mentoring program is designed to develop a network of competent individuals who, in the future, will deliver successful mentorship groups within their workplaces, communities, hometowns, and families. This is called mentoring to multiply.

If you are chosen to participate in one of Kain’s mentorship programs, you can expect tough accountability, open honesty, and transparency, which will give you a mirror to improve your self-awareness, personal integrity, and discipline. The awareness and self-discipline you develop will be key for implementing positive improvement in all aspects of your life.

One of the most valuable lessons you’ll learn from participating in this group mentoring program is how to run a similar high-value mentorship service for yourself. This can be for individuals or groups. You’ll learn that your personal legacy isn’t determined by what you accomplish; it’s by who you pass your insights, knowledge, and life experiences on to.

Completing the application for group mentoring does not secure you a place in the 12-month program. Only high-quality applications will be entered into a pool of individuals that Kain will hand-select from. On rare occasions, if the quality of mentorship applicants is high, additional spaces may be created, but only when it is estimated to create additional value for all participants within the group. Mentorship groups run from September through to August the following year. No breaks are taken, and all group mentoring sessions take place on the first Wednesday of each calendar month for 12 consecutive months.

This high-impact 12-month mentoring group program is only for socially motivated, high-performing, and purpose-driven individuals. Participants will be chosen based solely on the quality of their application. Some years, over 1000 applications are submitted for group mentoring. Kain personally screens and chooses from the top 20 each year.

The cost for entry into group mentoring is £19,500.00 per annum. The £19,500.00 charge includes an exclusive private discussion group (which is only available for this group), discussion boards, and an online meeting room where individuals may meet up to discuss issues with one another, have interactive talks, and conduct synchronous meetings.

Each membership group participant will also benefit from two private one-to-one mentoring sessions with Kain (that are agenda-based, not time-limited). The two private one-to-one mentoring sessions with Kain will work to an agreed-upon before the session occurs. For clarity, the duration of these sessions will be flexible and in alignment with the support needs of each mentoring participant.

Kain will choose 8-12 people for mentoring by the end of August each year. Kain may start a secondary mentorship group that begins in January based on demand and popularity.

Completing the application for group mentoring does not secure you a place in the 12-month program. Only high-quality applications will be entered into a pool of individuals that Kain will hand-select from. On rare occasions, if the quality of mentorship applicants is high, additional spaces may be created, but only when it is estimated to create additional value for all participants within the group. Mentorship groups run from September through to August the following year. No breaks are taken, and all group mentoring sessions take place on the first Wednesday of each calendar month for 12 consecutive months.


If a man in his older years has no wisdom or insight to invest in the next generation, he lived for a purpose that served little beyond himself. Those who benefit from a man’s wisdom are his legacy.

My wise mentors have guided me in the right direction, helping me navigate my way beyond the pitfalls I’ve ignorantly invited into my relationships, habitual thinking and professional pursuits.

The wisdom I’ve drawn from my mentors has served me well throughout life. Some of my best mentors I spent just hours or days with. My most revolutionary mentors are men I’ve never met.



We all make mistakes, so receiving wise input from a mentor is vital for those who wish to avoid wasting time & money on unnecessary downfalls in their career, relationships or life (in general).

Mentors are crucial in today’s changing world to help emerging generations make wise decisions, learn from past generations’ mistakes, and navigate their challenges with wisdom & candour.

There’s no way to live your best life without wise counsel. Nobody knows or can see all of their faults. A good mentor will focus on your blind spots while encouraging your greatest potential.



Mentorship is an art that becomes refined with age and through practice. As the years roll on, I hope to acquire only a fraction of the knowledge and wisdom that my mentors demonstrated.

Cpl Samual, thank you for teaching me discipline. Sgt Ralph, thank you for stretching my limits. Peter Hope, thank you for your inclusion – and for showing me what a husband and father can be.

AR. Bernard, your wisdom still astounds me. Matthew Newman, you gave structure to my thoughts. Gerard Egan, Rest in Peace and thank you for showing me the importance of leaving a legacy.


The greatest testament to a wise mentor is his ability to create other mentors, who in turn, are equipped to create other mentors. This is mentoring to multiply. This type of mentoring is what creates a meaningful personal legacy.

Apply for Kain’s Mentoring Group