The DNA of Healthy Human Relationships

There’s no doubt that relationships are important. We all need people in our lives to share our joys and sorrows and to help us push through tough times.

But what makes a great relationship? Is it luck? Chemistry? Fate? Or is there something more tangible at play? Communication is the DNA that forges all human connections. People skills, communications and integrity are the keys to personal and career success.

Have you noticed how many flawed communicators will criticise the flaws & imperfections in the communications of others? Oh, how hypocritical humanity can be at times.

What might happen if you were to assume that the purpose of all human interactions should be finding healthy and integral ways to fall into agreement and reconciliation with people – instead of disagreement or disunity. How might your approach to communicating with people change if you were to make this assumption?

Reconciliation is a human process which requires more than just an ethical or legal framework. Reconciliation must happen in the hearts and minds of people.

Reconciliation is about two people growing to understand each other, accept each other and make peace with each other’s imperfections – without pointing fingers or throwing undermining identity labels each other’s way. Reconciliation involves seeking to understand the unique perspective of the other side and vice versa.

Many people communicate for the primary reasons of being heard or understood, to manipulate, control or deceive people, for self-oriented gain, to impress others or self-promote. It is only possible for you to earn the trust of others once you become more interested in ‘their’ agenda than what you are in your own.

It’s seldom easy to reconcile since reconciliation requires forgiveness, which is costly. Forgiveness between two people depends on mutual repentance, which has to be based on acknowledging what was done wrong and disclosing the truth about the reasons for the act that caused the unforgiveness. It is impossible for two individuals to forgive what they do not mutually comprehend.

To the best of your ability, strive for reconciliation rather than resolution. When there is no reconciliation first in place, people will rarely be willing to agree on anything.

Where resolution focuses on solving problems, reconciliation focuses on strengthening a relationship. When you prioritize building or renewing relationships, problems generally lose their significance and soon get forgotten.

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The main influencing factor that leaves countless people worldwide disempowered in their thinking & fruitless in their action-taking is a lack of personal responsibility. Responsibility proceeds all personal empowerment.

Responsibility Rebellion is now available for purchase on Amazon and all other good online book retailers.
Grab a copy of Kain’s #1 International Bestselling book, Responsibility Rebellion, from Amazon and all good online booksellers.